A bumper car is a small electric car made to drive in an enclosure, protected by rubber tires to make collisions safe. These Electric Cars draw power from the floor and roof, and are remotely turned on and off by an operator. 

They named as dodging cars, crashing cars and speeding cars. The name Dodgem gave the first bumper car because the original pleasure of these cars was to avoid collisions. It is an unpredictable movement of the car both before and after the collision that provides fun and hilarity during the ride. You can buy this car from Newbaybwish

Bumper car physics

Well, this fun electric car ride has its mechanics rooted deep in the intricate laws of physics. The following are the theories responsible for working on this fascinating ride. You can also visit on numerous sites for collecting more information about this car.

Newton’s laws of motion

The first law, the inertia that ensures the continuation and stopping of the movement, explains the very movement of this walk. The momentum of the electricity received through the floor or ceiling is there to initiate the game’s movement and forces it to move as long as the electricity is provided. Once it stops, the movement will also stop.

The second law of motion talks about acceleration, it states that the mass of an object and the force applied to it will influence how much the object moves. Therefore, the speed of the bumper car and the group of passengers decide the impact and shaking force on another vehicle during a collision.

The third law

The most famous of all, the action that one car exerts on another during a collision, manifests Newton’s third law of motion. Conservation of momentum is what we see in the outer rubber meninges to decrease collision. The masses of two cars, the weights of the drivers, and the speeds each is traveling can affect how each vehicle and driver react after a crash. The faster the car, the more impact it has on another car, and the same goes for the mass and weights inside a car.

How dodgem circuits work?

Current flow in a circuit and bumper cars also work through electricity. So the circuit is also needed for the bumper cars to work as you have noticed that the bumper cars run on a metal surface. The bumper car has a metal pole with a wheel that touches the metal roof.

Through the electric motor, the electricity flows from the roof, through the small wheel, down the pole wire and completes the circuit through the electrical contacts under the cars. Now the circuit is complete and the car will run on the flow of electricity in the circuit.

The chances of getting an electric shock are less since a person is not tall and can touch the ground on the ceiling at the same time.

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